, pub-2901454804057242, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 La Vie En Pink: Memorial Day White

Friday, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day White

Cheers for the three day weekend! My family always hosts a memorial day barbecue and we are excited to grill burgers and see our family. The fashion code is one many people follow and in the code it is "written" that white is worn from memorial day to labor day. I rarely used to wear white dresses and always opted for darker colors, however, this year I have been seeing lots of white on dresses, tops, you name it. I loved some pieces so much that I wore them before memorial day! *gasp* Yes, I mean it! I believe that having your own sense of styles and rules reflects your uniqueness. I invested in a few white pieces and I am excited to be wearing them. 
This dress has the perfect shape; its has a great flow and is light for summer. I love the fun detailing on it and the dress is easy to style. I also love this white dress, this fun dress, this maxi dress, and this jumpsuit.

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