, pub-2901454804057242, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 La Vie En Pink: Fall Florals

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fall Florals

I have recently discovered Madewell denim and I am never going back. I really struggled for a long time to find denim that flattered me and made me feel comfortable, and I am so happy to find denim that does just that. When Madewell rolled out their new collection, I immediately fell in love with this jacket. I love the floral details and I actually have this jacket in the regular denim wash with my name embroidered on it. I live in that jacket. I then bought this jacket as a pre-order and after I got the jacket I saw these jeans and knew I had finish the set. The colors in the florals make it easy to pair with other colors like blues and pinks. This outfit screams fall to me and I can't wait to wear this on campus!
Jacket // Jeans // Top // Shoes // Bag // Sunnies

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