, pub-2901454804057242, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 La Vie En Pink: Red Embroidered Dress

Friday, November 17, 2017

Red Embroidered Dress

I wouldn't be surprised if you saw this post and thought that this is the third of fourth time you have seen this dress. It is a very popular dress for a reason: it is just gorgeous! I am a sucker for anything with good embroidery and the color sold the dress. It is a dress that can be worn casually and dressed up. I plan to wear this dress around the holidays and at parties. This dress is the kind of piece that you can never get rid of and you always find yourself gravitating towards in the future.
What I love about this dress and Zara is that they keep making dresses like this but with many variations. I have a few embroidered chiffon dresses like these from Zara, but I don't mind investing in them because they will never go out of style and are a classic. They look beautiful and can be worn on so many different occasions. 

Dress // Denim Jacket // Turtleneck // Shoes // Bag // Sunnies

Shop more red dresses below!

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