, pub-2901454804057242, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 La Vie En Pink: 3.30.21

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Recently, I have been feeling very conscious of my skin and of my weight. Health problems have been my kryptonite lately and during the height of the pandemic with quarantine, I felt very low and as if I was a host in a foreign body. It is always very hard to deal with weight issues, especially when they are caused by health problems that are out of your control and I have been slowly learning how to properly deal with them in a way that benefits me. Positivity is key. I get it, it is very hard to be positive when we live in a digital world where unhealthy beauty standards are projected as the desired look. But things happen for a reason and everything will work out fine in the end. I always tell myself: this is temporary and as long as you are healthy everything is okay. Health is top priority before anything else. In this picture I am feeling more confident because I am giving my body healthy nutrients while also taking care of my mental and physical health. Tomorrow is a new day with lots in store and as long as I am healthy, nothing else matters.


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