, pub-2901454804057242, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 La Vie En Pink: Being Nerdy is Good

Monday, March 22, 2021

Being Nerdy is Good

I don't understand why nerds were always made fun of in media. I love being a nerd. I was just thinking about how many books I've read since last year. Because I had some free electives in my senior year, I took two literature classes and I had the best time. I truly enjoyed those classes because I have always loved reading. 

I made a new resolution for myself in 2020 and even though I didn't start until the year was half over, this new resolution was one that I stuck with. Reading 20 minutes at night doesn't sound that bad, but it can be hard to keep up with after a long day. Once I hit the bed, I normally watch TV until I can't keep my eyes open, but now I read for almost 30 minutes. 

With this resolution, I have been able to read quite a few books on my list, and currently I am reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It has always been on my list because I did not have to read it in school and I have heard so many good things about the novel. I have truly been enjoying it. I have always gravitated towards reading as one of my personality traits, and if you knew me as a child, it was evident that I read a lot. I read over 400 books in 1st grade alone, all right they were smaller books, but still 400 is a lot! I value the knowledge that I have accrued over my years as an avid reader, it has shaped my perspective on the world, and I forever have to thank books for that. A little reading never hurt anyone. 

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